Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

RockWare GIS Link 2

The RockWare GIS Link toolbar installs into ArcMap.


New Version - Supports ArcView 9 or ArcView 10
The new RockWare GIS Link v.2 allows you to generate RockWorks cross-sections, profiles and fence diagrams using ArcMap and RockWorks15
In Version 2, we've added striplogs, contour maps (ground surface and structural elevations), and isopach maps.

Main Program Features
  • Import your RockWorks borehole locations as a layer in an ArcMap geodatabase. 
  • The RockWare GIS Link toolbar installs into ArcMap.
  • Create Profiles and Sections using the RockWorks engine and any of the following data types: StripLogs, Lithology, Stratigraphy, Interval(I)-Data and Point(P)-Data.
  • Point Snapping Tool allows you to snap to the closest borehole or well location when choosing your Section Lines  
  • Create 3D Fence Diagrams using the RockWorks engine and any of the following datasets: StripLog, Lithology, Stratigraphy, I-Data and P-Data 
  • Create line- or color-filled contour maps of ground surface elevations or formation tops.  The resulting map is displayed as a DXF layer in ArcMap  
  • Create 2D striplogs for individual borehole locations, with all available data options.
Category :

System Requirments : 
Valid license of RockWorks15, RockWorks14 or RocWorks2006
Valid license of ArcView, ArcEditor or ArcInfo version 9.x or 10.x 
Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
1 GB of RAM (minimum)
1.4 GHz processor
Read/write privileges to a %Userprofile%My Documents directory

Status :

Cost :
$ 349.00


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